Downright Tricky #4

By March, nearly got blood from stone (6)

Happy New Years, all. As we close 2024, so also do we close out phase one of the Downright Tricky experiment. We've enjoyed playing around with a new cryptics form (albeit one inspired by a conventional crossword in The Atlantic) — and like any new form, it's not just for us. For the constructors out there, give yourself the challenge of modulating your way down to your killer-diller clues.

This is our 50th puzzle on The Rackenfracker. Let us pause to say whew, but also, in appreciation that you're here to share it with us, whoo!

Proper variety puzzles return next month as we begin the next 50, but with luck you'll see more straight puzzles from us here and elsewhere in 2025. Thanks to Andy Stilp, John Sams, and our downright terrific editor for this excursion, Andy Yingst.

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