More Puzzles

Diversions from friends, inspirations, and frequently both.

Cryptics 101

Kegler, Beginner Puzzles
joeadultman, Cryptics 101
Steve Mossberg, Quiptics
(How to solve: The Browser, Tough as Nails, elderism)

Published Cryptics

Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, The Wall Street Journal
Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto, Out of Left Field
Foggy Brume, P&A Magazine
Richard E. Maltby, Jr., Harper's
Tom Toce, Contingencies
The New Yorker
The Browser Crossword
GAMES Magazine
Cryptics Monthly

Indie Cryptics

Steve Mossberg, Square Pursuit and Square Chase
George Ho, Loplop Crosswords
joeadultman, Mental Judo: A Cryptic Blog
4celise, The Buzzle Blog
Juff's Cryptics
No-Feet McGee
Saroota's Cryptics
Skald's Puzzles
StJtB, Roodwords
The Gnomon
Cryptic Crossweird

Chris Evans, Mental Playground, MyCrossword 🇬🇧
Liari's Cryptics, MyCrossword 🇬🇧
Chris Evans and Liari, Potoroo 🇬🇧
Glentopher, Do Glendroids Dream of Electric Sheep? 🇬🇧
Jack Keynes, Keynesian Cryptics, MyCrossword 🇬🇧
Matt, Team Crazy Cryptics 🇬🇧

Indie Crosswords (mostly non-cryptic)

Kaye Brown, kaybart puzzles
Alex Boisvert, Crossword Nexus
Kate Chin Park, Crosswords Schmosswords
Kelsey Dixon, Crosstina Aquafina
Will Eisenberg, Half-Baked Puzzles
Trent Evans, Grid Therapy
Meatdaddy, The Deli Counter
Dob Olino and Momes, et al., Crossweird Puzzles
Dan Schwartz, xwordswithbabka
Norah Sharpe, Norah's Puzzles
Josh Solves

Dispatches from Crossworld

Daily Crossword Links
Aaron Riccio, The Crossword Scholar (with Cryptic Roundups)

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