Parts of Speech
A noun-verbed puzzle that will verb pronoun verb, "Exclamation!"

If you don't object, we have a preposition for you: A puzzle with no enumerations, but twice as many numbers in the grid. We hope such an idea is a clause for celebration — we wouldn't want you to have an adverbs reaction and get stressed, because we find comma solvers do puzzles better than uneasier ones. Oh, did we mention that even though there are extra numbers in the grid, the clues themselves aren't numbered? I know this sounds 100% difficult, but it isn't — yes, one part is hard, but the other participle. Predicate and dried, really.
Thanks to Andy Stilp and John Sams for test solves, and to juff for continuing to edit us this season. If you missed our last post, juff has their own variety cryptic publication launching this spring: The Gnomon. They’ve got a preview puzzle up on their (longstanding and free-puzzle-filled!) blog that will very likely convince you that you're going to want to add The Gnomon to your solving rotation.